Shielding 101"I'm using Miscrosoft internet shield with remote viewing guard."

Shielding Techniques

Shielding is a way to protect yourself from negative influences, energies and situations that could cause damage, leave you feeling drained, or even puncture your spiritual body.

Good shielding techniques are some of the essentials you should first learn.

One common practice though frowned upon (never the less it still happens) is for psivamps to test other psivamps….and also to feed on other psivamps.I want to first begin with a form of shielding that utilizes the same symbolism as the head-heart-hands method of directional feeding. It is really a basic, beginner shield; but nonetheless is effective. I’m asking you to use your hands in the beginning to create the same kind of Magickal response, a Magickal worker utilizes when using particular scents, oils or incense. (same basic principle).    This Shield is intended for even those who do not work with energy...(i.e. mundanes)


Basic shield 1

Hold your hands in the following form (see fig 1). While doing so, envision a solid impenetrable wall, or white light forming around you like an egg or cocoon.  With your mind, envision your astral shell hardening, becoming rigid.

fig 1aura

Believe it is working…Belief might not seem important on this plane but it is everything in the spiritual planes. (also see “magickal formula “in the Glossary)

shield1fig 2

Another form of this shielding is the finger inter-lock technique... Exactly the same thing but using your thumb and middle fingers and interlocking them together (pic coming soon).

when you have mastered this...Now do it without using your hands as a reference..


The easiest shield to picture is that of a bubble. When attempting this for the first couple times, visualize your body like that of a space ship, and give yourself the verbal command “Shields up!”. As you get more familiar with it and comfortable it will become second nature, and more of a reflex than something you have to intentionally focus on. For a more detailed and complete look at shielding: please read “Comprehensive Shielding” ( Book 2 of the Advanced Psionics Collection)

Good shielding techniques are some of the essentials you should first learn.